

General Information

Full Name Benjamin Gan-Or
Current Location Jerusalem, Israel
Hometown San Diego, California
Languages English, Hebrew, German, Spanish, Russian
Citizenship USA, Israel


  • 2022
    Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
    • Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
    • Neural Networks and Information Processing
  • 2010
    University of California, Berkeley
    • Legal Studies
    • Interactions between law and society


  • 2014 - 2022
    PhD Student
    Michael London, PhD, Hebrew University
    • Inducing complex movements in the mouse motor cortex
    • Cortical control in generating mouse ultrasonic courtship songs
  • 2009-2011
    Laboratory Manager / Researcher
    Shaowen Bao, PhD, UC Berkeley
    • Mechanisms of phantom perception and hearing loss-induced plasticity
    • Functional deficits in the fragile x mental retardation mouse model

Relevant Skills

  • App design in LabVIEW / MATLAB
  • E-phys / behavior rig construction
  • Complex data analysis in MATLAB
  • Small animal surgical procedures
  • Multi-unit / single-unit / juxtacellular / intracellular in vivo cortical e-phys (anesthetized and awake)